Legal Aspects

Rummy Mahjong is a platform that offers real-money gaming, promoting responsible gambling and encouraging users to stay within their limits. Additional assistance is available through a contact form for user support.

The platform recognizes gaming as a form of entertainment but acknowledges the potential for excessive gameplay. To promote responsible gaming, Rummy Mahjong provides measures to help users manage their gaming habits and ensures a safe and secure environment for all players.

As for the legality of playing rummy for cash on Rummy Mahjong, it is completely legal. Rummy is classified as a game of skill and is constitutionally protected in India. Supreme Court rulings and gaming laws support this distinction, separating games of skill from gambling activities.

Playing rummy for cash on Rummy Mahjong is allowed in most states, except for Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Odisha, Sikkim, and Telangana. The platform may consider expanding its services to these states pending further legal clarity.

Furthermore, playing online rummy for cash on is also legal. Rummy is recognized as a game of skill and is protected by the Constitution of India. Various Supreme Court rulings and gaming acts uphold this legality, distinguishing games of skill from gambling activities. However, players should still adhere to local regulations, and residents of certain states may face restrictions on participating in real-money gaming on the platform.